MGP offering new wheat protein
ATCHISON, KANSAS, U.S. — MGP Ingredients said on Jan. 14 that its newest ingredient innovation is a lightly hydrolyzed wheat protein named Optein, which provides clinically-tested benefits that are especially ideal for nutritional drinks, smoothies, meal replacement bars and sports beverages. Applications are also as diverse as breads and other bakery products.
“Addressing increased demand for ingredients that aid in muscle recovery, Optein is one more example of MGP’s successful initiatives to create solutions for the health and wellness segment,” said Mike Lasater, vice-president of ingredients sales and marketing. “To be responsive to our customers, we feel it is important to continually explore novel ideas for adding to MGP’s family of high quality ingredients that deliver nutritional benefits while also enhancing the taste and textural qualities of food and beverages.”
According to Lasater, other prominent examples of how the company is “adding more goodness to food,” include Fibersym RW resistant wheat starch, Midsol specialty starches, Arise wheat protein isolates and TruTex textured wheat proteins.
Liming Cai, who joined MGP as applications scientist this past August, said, “It is both highly rewarding and gratifying to be in a position to help carry on the company’s legacy as an innovator and preeminent supplier of high quality wheat proteins and starches.”
He further noted that he “is very excited about his role in working with food manufacturers by helping incorporate the company’s ingredients in their formulations and ultimately bring added value to consumers on multiple fronts.”