SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA — In its 2010-11 harvest report released on April 20, GrainCorp said the wetter than normal harvest conditions affected grain quality in a number of ways.
The report contains technical data describing the quality of wheat, barley, and canola harvested in eastern Australia and received into the GrainCorp storage network.
Grain quality impacts included:
- Levels of screenings were generally lower,
- Grain size was larger,
- Test weights were lower, and
- Moisture content of grain received was higher.
The analysis of milling wheat quality indicates that protein levels were similar to last season, and Falling Number values, while lower than the previous season, indicated that APH, AH, APW, and ASW grades are all sound and suitable for all relevant milling and baking applications.
Feed grades accounted for approximately 50% of the eastern Australian wheat crop delivered into the GrainCorp storage network. The quality tests conducted on feed wheat indicate that metabolizable energy yields for both cattle and sheep are within the normal range, and represent excellent value for stockfeed manufacture.
Importantly, considering the prevailing harvest conditions and the presence of elevated levels of ‘white grain’ in many regions, Mycotoxin and Aflatoxin levels were below the limits of detection for the relevant tests.
The ratio of malting to feed barley was low, resulting in a limited supply of malting barley in most regions. Barley protein levels were down compared to 2009-10, and moisture was higher.
Canola moisture levels were higher than the previous season, and test weights were lower. Protein levels were average, and seed size was large.