Fujiwara’s responsibilities include conducting quality analysis of northern grown crops with special focus on wheat, soybeans and barley. She will also assist in the development of new products and processes utilizing northern grown crops and help with the implementation of NCI’s educational programs.
“We appreciate the opportunity to have Fujiwara join our NCI staff, where she will help us develop programs and investigate opportunities for northern grown crops in domestic and overseas markets such as Japan,” said Brian Sorenson, NCI director. “Fujiwara has been a student employee in our labs for nearly two years. In August, she assisted NCI with a week-long program for Japanese millers and bakers, and worked extremely well with the course participants and the NCI staff.”
Fujiwara is a December 2010 graduate of North Dakota State University, where she earned a bachelor of science’s degree in food science. In 2010, she worked as a quality assurance summer intern at Dakota Growers Pasta Company, New Hope, Minnesota, U.S. Fujiwara is a native of Kyoto, Japan.