BUFFALO, NEW YORK, U.S. — Sefar Inc. will be attending the 120th IAOM Expo at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus, Ohio, U.S., April 4-8, booth#404/406.
Sefar provides products for filtration, screening and drying processes to the milling and food industries. The company addresses the key concern in the food industry, product safety, by controlling production of synthetic goods from plastic beads to finished product in an ISO 9001:2008 controlled environment, Sefar said. Whether the customer needs sifter screens, purifier panels or connecter sleeves Sefar can design products specifically for the process.
Sefar NYTAL is the brand name for all products the company produces and sells to the milling and food industries. These fabrics are made from yarns that contain only substances recognized as safe according the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the company said. The NYTAL line of mesh offers sieving efficiency, a long usable life and is available as ready-made articles, as well as roll goods.
To learn more about Sefar products visit booth #404/406 at the IAOM Expo.