WICHITA, KANSAS, U.S. — The International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) is offering Mill Maintenance II course Oct. 20-22 in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.
One day of the course will be spent at Cowley College in Arkansas City, Kansas, U.S. The agenda will include preventative maintenance, bearings, belts and chains, power transmissions, electric motors, safety, sifters, and electrical troubleshooting.
For further information, go to http://www.iaom.info/education/resident-milling-courses/course-schedule/.
The IAOM Mill Maintenance courses provide an opportunity for maintenance staff to gain the training, contacts and confidence they need to keep a mill operating at maximum capacity.
Cost, which includes tuition, materials and lunches, is $900 for IAOM members and $975 for non-members.
A block of rooms has been reserved for IAOM at $129/night (+tax) for single rooms (including breakfast) at the Hyatt Regency Wichita. Reservations should be made by Sept. 28. To book a room, click on this link: https://aws.passkey.com/g/50323