SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN — Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz on April 14 announced an investment of C$1.4 million under Growing Forward 2 for two projects being led by the Canada Grains Council (CGC) to help the grain industry demonstrate its compliance with global sustainability requirements and expand its access to international markets.
"Canada's grain industry is an important driver of the economy here in Saskatchewan and across Canada,” Ritz said. “With production on the rise, our government is proud to be able to work with the sector to find ways to boost exports by improving and expanding access to international markets."
The CGC is receiving over C$1 million to develop tools that will help grain growers demonstrate their crops are grown in a sustainable way. An additional investment of over C$325,000 will allow the CGC to collaborate with other stakeholders in the grains and oilseeds industry on common issues related to trade and market access in order to increase grain export opportunities for the sector.
"This support will play a critical role in ensuring the competitiveness of Canada's grains sector. Funding for international grain trade advocacy will enable the Canada Grains Council to continue representing its members' interests on international bodies navigating global grain trade issues and opportunities,” said Tyler Bjornson, president, CGC. “Hand in hand, resources for the development of a cross-sector Sustainability Metrics Platform will allow our industry to demonstrate both its commitment to sustainable management practices and compliance with emerging marketplace requirements."