EP Grain was founded in February 2008 to provide a greater choice of grain marketing services to grain growers located on the Eyre Peninsula region of South Australia. The company has been a joint venture between the Eyre Peninsula’s farmer owned investment company, FREE Eyre Limited (FEL) and national grain marketer, Emerald Group Australia Pty Ltd (Emerald) during its four years of operation.
With FEL having achieved its objective of creating grain marketing competition at the farm gate it has decided to sell its share in EP Grain to Emerald. FEL will now focus its energy, capital and resources in creating other value adding and competition building opportunities for the region. These include up-country grain storage and handling, its nominated position as the “Grain Operator” in the proposed Port Spencer export terminal as well as fertilizer, fiber, energy related pursuits.
Emerald will assume all of the existing management responsibilities of EP Grain, and continue ongoing management of its grain pools and cash contracts. EP Grain will continue to offer its grain accumulation and marketing activities throughout the Eyre Peninsula region.