“American farmers are coping with some really challenging conditions,” said Ian Pinner, president of ADM Grain. “Both of these innovative offerings will help farmers manage through this environment, whether it’s improving their market insight or reducing the time for crop insurance claims.”
This month, ADM unveiled the newest feature in its Farmer Services collection: Location Pages on ADM.com for each of its North American elevators and processing facilities. Each Location Page will serve as a one-stop resource for local information such as weather, futures, 10-minute delay bids and ADM market intelligence—all without the need to register or log in to the website.
ADM Crop Risk Services is showcasing AerosExpress, an Apple iPhone app that allows ADM CRS adjustors to provide faster, more efficient delivery of crop insurance claims. This new application developed by ADM CRS software engineers allows adjustors to view and organize claims, take photos of damaged crops, map damaged acres of the fields, find contact information and take notes after a call—all from the palm of their hand. It also uploads all of the information into ADM’s AerosTM system, which is accessible by the insurance agent. AerosExpress dramatically shortens the claim process, from filing to receiving the check.