WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. — Christine Cochran, president of the Commodity Markets Council (CMC) in Washington, D.C., U.S., has been named executive director of the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF).
Cochran has been president of the CMC since February 2010. Her role at the helm of the group was to represent commodity related businesses in grain, energy, metals and livestock and to “advocate for free, open and robust markets.” Before that, she was vice-president of government relations at the council. She succeeds Judi Adams at the helm of the GFF.
Cochran attended the University of Missouri, graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s of science degree in agricultural economics. She holds a law degree from Georgetown University.
Breck Barton, co-chairman of the GFF and president of Cereal Food Processors, Inc., said the diversity of Cochran’s background together with her management skills, make her well suited for the challenges facing the grain-based foods industry.
“The Grain Foods Foundation is very excited to bring on board an incredibly bright, talented and dynamic leader to aggressively promote the nutritional benefits of grain foods to key influencer communities,” Barton said. “Cochran has the management style and skills to lead G.F.F. in this challenging environment. From her family’s wheat farm in Kansas, to her agriculture economics degree from the University of Missouri, connections in the industry, and as a working mom, Cochran brings a host of excellent qualifications to this important leadership role.”
Allen Shiver, the other GFF co-chairman, and president of Flowers Foods, Inc., emphasized the importance of success for the foundation.
“The grain foods industry faces multiple challenges today, from fad diets and soft demand, to growing confusion by key influencers and policymakers, especially regarding healthy enriched products,” he said. “I am confident Cochran will apply her keen strategic perspective and infectious energy to move the needle with influencers and ultimately consumers. She is a passionate believer in our products and will work tirelessly on our behalf.”
Nan Redmond, who heads the marketing committee at the GFF and is communications director for Pepperidge Farm, discussed the importance of the group maintaining a strong focus.
“GFF’s target audience is moms who are the primary shoppers for their households,” she said. “Beyond her other impressive credentials, Christine is the target audience. She understands the influencers that moms look to for nutritional information and guidance. I am very excited to work with Christine to continue upgrading our efforts on behalf of the grain foods industry.”