WEST PERTH, AUSTRALIA — Following the closure of nominations for the 2012 CBH Group member director elections Jan. 6, the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) has advised CBH Group that there have been six nominations, including nominations from three current directors — one of whom has been elected unopposed.
The current directors whose three-year terms will expire at the CBH Group's Annual General Meeting on Feb. 28 are Rod Madden and John Hassell and CBH Chairman Neil Wandel — all of whom stood for re-election as a candidate in this year's elections.
Neil Wandel has been re-elected unopposed in District 5.
In District 1, Brian McAlpine will stand against Rod Madden for election and in District 3, Raymond Marshall and Lindsay Darton Tuckwell will stand against John Hassell for election.
Elections will now be held in Districts 1 and 3 and grower members in these districts will have until the close of the poll Feb. 20 to vote for a director in these districts.
Ballot packs containing full voting information will be mailed to members residing in Electoral Districts 1 and 3 on Jan. 20.
The results will be announced following the counting of votes on the same day as the poll closes, Feb. 20.
For further information regarding the CBH Group District member director elections, contact Wayne Nicholson, Returning Officer from the WAEC, on 9214 0448 or e-mail wayne.nicholson@waec.wa.gov.au.