WEST PERTH, AUSTRALIA — The CBH Group said it welcomes the announcement on Sept. 28 by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding access arrangements at its port terminals in Western Australia.

In its decision the ACCC commented that it considers CBH’s current access arrangements to have successfully allowed access to the co-operative’s port terminal services by wheat exporters and that it is appropriate for those existing arrangements to continue.

The ACCC also acknowledged that the existing auction system for allocating capacity at CBH ports has promoted competition amongst wheat exporters in Western Australia, which has benefited farmers and the export industry.

CBH has agreed to continue with its existing auction arrangements after the ACCC raised concerns about a two-tiered capacity allocation scheme. CBH also welcomed the ACCC's acknowledgement that the option remains open for CBH to provide further information to ease the ACCC's concerns about the baseload port capacity allocation system proposed by the company in its original undertaking proposal.

The accepted undertaking applies from October to September 2014.