World Grain

E.U. agri-food exports dip in February


corn soybean wheat
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM — The monthly value of E.U. agri-food exports in February dropped 2.2%, with wheat exports showing the most significant decrease with a €114 million drop in value.

The total value of E.U. agri-food exports in February was €10.5 billion, down from €10.7 billion in the same month a year earlier. With agri-food imports to the E.U. decreasing faster, the monthly trade balance increased to a surplus of €1.7 billion, according to the latest report on E.U. agri-food imports and exports.

Wheat exports for the month were down 37% to €195 million. Flour and other products of the milling industry was down 16% to €67 million.

Soybeans dropped 71% to €4 million and vegetable oil was down 24.2% to €161 million.

Overall, the highest increases in monthly exports values were recorded in Turkey, up €63 million; Brazil, up €19 million and Singapore, also up €19 million.

Monthly exports fell to the United States (down €60 million), South Africa (down €41 million), United Arab Emirates (down €40 million) and Switzerland (down €39 million).

The value of February E.U. agri-food imports compared to the same month a year ago increased most for imports from Malaysia and Tunisia. The value of imports from the United States, Brazil and Indonesia went down most.

Major decreases were seen in imports of unroasted coffee, cocoa beans and vegetables, while imports of olive oil and fatty acids and waxes were the ones increasing most in value terms.