World Grain
Ukraine expects record-high harvest


Ukraine expects record harvest in 2021-22


KIEV, UKRAINE — According to preliminary data, Ukraine is expected to harvest a record 80.6 million tonnes in 2021, Reuters reported.

That record amount will allow for the export of 60.68 million tonnes, according to ministry data.

The anticipated harvest will include 32 million tonnes of wheat and 37.1 million tonnes of corn. Ukraine is expected to export 23.8 million tonnes of wheat and 30.87 million tonnes of corn in the 2021-22 season.

The share of milling wheat could reach 60% of the harvest and the total wheat export volume could include 14.2 million tonnes of milling and 9.6 million tonnes of feed wheat, according to the ministry.

A total of 7.64 million tonnes of various grains were exported so far in the 2021-22 July-June season. This included 3.8 million tonnes of wheat, 2.5 million tonnes of barley and 1.25 million tonnes of corn.