Kaliramesh Siliveru |
MANHATTAN, KANSAS, U.S. – Kaliramesh Siliveru has joined Kansas State University’s Department of Grain Science and Industry as an assistant professor, the university announced on Jan. 25.
Siliveru received his Ph.D. from the department in 2016 and is conducting fundamental and applied grain processing research. His Ph.D. dissertation covered the cohesive properties of wheat flour and their effect on the size-based separation process. As an assistant professor, Siliveru also works closely with the undergraduate and graduate education as a teacher, adviser and co-leader of the Milling Science and Management program.
A native of India, Siliveru most recently worked as a research associate with the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at Kansas State University and USDA Agricultural Research Service in Manhattan, Kansas.
“Dr. Siliveru brings a wealth of material handling and grain processing knowledge from his graduate experience and time with the USDA Agricultural Research Service,” said Gordon Smith, grain science department head. “He is leading our efforts in grain processing research and providing a key resource in our continued partnership with the Grain Handling and Processing Society (GEAPS).”
Siliveru’s research interests include: grain processing and milling; process modeling and simulation; food safety; particle technology and materials handling; and the physical chemical, surface properties and their correlation in food and feed materials. In addition to research responsibilities, Siliveru teaches undergraduate and graduate courses covering subject matter in grain processing technologies.
He said he looks forward to developing courses in his area of expertise.
“I’m thrilled to be part of the Department of Grain Science and Industry faculty as it is an international hub for education and research,” Siliveru said. “This position allows me to collaborate with some of the greatest minds in milling.”