Soy protein lowers blood cholesterol levels, according to years of scientific evidence and the conclusions of the FDA and health agencies in Canada and 11 other countries, the Soy Nutrition Institute said.
Ron Moore, president of the American Soybean Association |
“In a time when heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death both in the United States and the world, we can’t afford to discourage people from taking steps to improve their diets with heart-healthy ingredients,” added Ron Moore, president of the American Soybean Association and Illinois farmer. “There is still evidence that shows eating soy protein can help reduce the risk of heart disease, and while we are of course disappointed that FDA is looking at moving the health claim for these products from ‘unqualified’ to ‘qualified,’ it’s important for consumers to remember that soy protein can be an important part of a heart-healthy diet.”
The FDA authorized a health claim for soy protein in the Oct. 26, 1999, issue of the Federal Register, saying soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels. Soybean use soon increased. Total U.S. disappearance of soybeans was 3.944 billion bushels in 2015, which was up from 2.716 billion bushels in 1999, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In a re-evaluation, which included investigating studies published after 1999, the FDA tentatively concluded the evidence does not support its previous determination that there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts for a health claim regarding the relationship between soy protein and reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The proposal to revoke the health claim was published in the Oct. 31 issue of the Federal Register and may be found here.
Should the FDA finalize the proposed rule to revoke the health claim, the agency intends to allow the use of a qualified health claim as long as sufficient evidence supports a link between eating soy protein and a reduced risk of heart disease.
The FDA will accept public comments on its proposal for 75 days after it was published in the Federal Register. Electronic comments may be submitted at Written/paper submissions may be sent to Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All submissions must include the Docket No. FDA-2017-N-0763 for “Food Labeling: Health Claims; Soy Protein and Coronary Heart Disease.”
The Soy Nutrition Institute plans to submit comments. The Soy Nutrition Institute began in 2004 through the initiative of the United Soybean Board, Chesterfield, Missouri, U.S., and soy industry leaders. The institute seeks to identify soy and health research priorities, provide evidence-based information on the impact of soybeans and soy components on human health through a variety of education and outreach efforts, and facilitate the development and funding of targeted research projects.
The St. Louis-based American Soybean Association (ASA) represents all U.S. soybean farmers on domestic and international policy issues important to the soybean industry.