WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. – An agricultural research symposium planned Sept. 19-20, 2017, at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C., U.S., will focus on research and innovation systems for food, feed, fuel and fiber. Another topic will be how government policies might enhance the ability of the research and innovation system to respond to the complex issues that comprise that challenge.
“The challenge is not only to increase the supply of agricultural goods, but to do so in ways that enhance food quality and food safety, preserve environmental resources, and support sustainability and productivity growth,” said economist Keith Fuglie of the Resource and Rural Economics Division of USDA's Economic Research Service. “These challenges must all be addressed at the same time that the industry adapts to changing climate conditions, as well as increased competition for public funding of research and innovations.”

The symposium will examine the role of public policies to support research and innovation, and how to improve the capacity of those policies to deliver demand-driven results. Addressing capacity and the linkages of public-private partnerships are among the symposium topics.
USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are hosting the symposium in collaboration with Farm Foundation. The symposium begins with a luncheon on Sept. 19, and continues through the morning of Sept. 20.
Researchers, academics and government leaders from the United States and the European Union will participate in the symposium. The program is built around three primary topics:

  • Global trends in public and private research investments: Issues include trends in agricultural research investments, the relationship of public agricultural research and gains in agricultural productivity, and social impacts of agricultural research.
  • The emerging roles of public and private research: Lessons will be shared from public-private partnerships in the United States and other countries.
  • Models to create investment incentives for agricultural research: Producer-funded research, entrepreneurship in agricultural technology and government policies to incentivize research will be among the topics address.

There is no cost to participate but registration is required and can be completed online by clicking,here

Preceding the symposium on the morning of Sept. 19, Farm Foundation will host aFarm Foundation Forum, examining specific issues and challenges facing agricultural innovation in the United States. Panelists at the forum will include Ken Ash and Catherine Moreddu, both of the OECD, and Margaret Ziegler of Global Harvest Initiative. There is no charge for the forum or for the free audiocast of the forum, however, registration is requested and can becompleted online.