LUBBOCK, TEXAS, U.S. — The National Sorghum Producers board of directors elected officers and re-appointed three individuals to the board last week during its annual August board meeting.

NSP board member Don Bloss of Pawnee City, Nebraska, was re-elected chairman and board member Dan Atkisson of Stockton, Kansas, was re-elected vice chairman. Kendall Hodgson of Little River, Kansas, was elected treasurer.

Additionally, Atkisson, Larry Dahlsten of Lindsborg, Kansas, and Tom Willis of Liberal, Kansas, were all re-elected to three-year terms on the board.   

“These three gentlemen have been a huge asset to the NSP board of directors, each bringing in a wealth of leadership and knowledge," Bloss said. “We look forward to their continued leadership in moving the sorghum industry forward.”

Changes to the NSP board of directors are effective Oct.  1, 2017.