Interflour broke ground on the project in December 2015 and the milling facility will be capable of producing 500 tonnes per day of flour for the Philippine market once fully operational.
According to CBH, the first tonnes of wheat for the new facility will be exported from CBH’s Kwinana Port as part of the largest shipment of Western Australian grain ever consigned by Interflour.
At 71,000 tonnes, the shipment will carry wheat and malt barley to a number of Interflour’s mills, including the Mabuhay Interflour Mill as well as the new Intermalt facility in Vietnam.
“This will be the first batch of Western Australian wheat to be processed at the Mabuhay Interflour Mill in the Philippines, which is set for final commissioning at the end of July,” said Greg Harvey, managing director and chief executive officer (CEO) of Interflour. “We will also be supplying malt barley to the new Intermalt facility in Vietnam. It is quite an achievement for Interflour, we’re now seeing the benefits of the integration of our network of mills, creating more efficiencies in the supply chain by growing our scale.”
All of Interflour’s shipments from Western Australia are sourced exclusively through CBH storage and handling systems, Harvey said.
Currently, Interflour has seven flour mills with total wheat processing capacity per day of 5,890 tonnes and a total flour output per year of 1.474 million tonnes.
“This shipment, like all of our shipments from Western Australia are solely sourced through the CBH storage and handling system,” Harvey said.
“It’s great to see so much Western Australian grain being exported to our international investment Interflour,” said Andy Crane, CEO of CBH Group. “The shipment marks a new phase of growth in our investment in grain processing with operations starting at the Mabuhay Interflour Mill and at Intermalt, which will greatly benefit our growers now and into the future.”