Source: USDA
The USDA forecast all-wheat production in 2017 at 1.820 billion bushels, down 490 million bushels, or 21%, from 2.310 billion bushels in 2016. The USDA commented, “The year-to-year decline is due to a sharp reduction in planted area and projected lower yields. The all-wheat yield is projected at 47.2 bushels per acre, down 10% from last year’s record.”
The USDA forecast wheat imports in 2017-18 at 125 million bushels, up 10 million bushels from the current year.
The total 2017-18 wheat supply was forecast at 3.105 billion bushels, down 295 million bushels, or 9%, from 3.400 billion bushels in 2016-17.
Food use of wheat in 2017-18 was forecast at 955 million bushels, the same as the forecast for the current year. Seed use of wheat in 2017-18 was forecast at 66 million bushels, up 5 million bushels from 2016-17. Feed and residual use of wheat in 2017-18 was forecast at 170 million bushels, down 20 million from the forecast for 2016-17.
The USDA forecast 2017-18 wheat exports at 1 billion bushels, down from 1.035 billion bushels as the forecast for the current year.
The average farm price of wheat in 2017-18 was forecast at $3.85@4.65 a bushel compared with $3.90 a bushel as the estimate for 2016-17.
The USDA will issue its first wheat supply-and-demand forecasts by class in its July World Agricultural Supply and Demand report.