Photo by Susan Reidy.
The event in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., opened Tuesday, Jan. 31, and continues through Feb. 2. It includes educational sessions, networking opportunities and more than 1,200 exhibitors.
Grain has been a little soft, he said, but is showing some signs of life with a big 2016 crop, strong exports, improved ethanol margins and a swing back to profitability.
“Some of things that drive business for commercial grain elevators are starting to swing back, on top of a big crop,” Lehmann said. “Some probably wish they had spent the money last year.”
GSI is showcasing its InterSystems products, including its Kleen-Drag conveyors, built-in bin systems and micro ingredient systems.
With more than 30,000 expected attendees, IPPE is an ideal location for feed storage and processing equipment suppliers to make connections.
Photo by Susan Reidy.
Bühler is showcasing its MultimpactMax Hammer Mill and its MultimpactFine Hammer Mill, which offer high capacity (60 tonnes per hour plus) for both coarse and fine grinding applications. The hammer mills meet the industry’s needs as it moves to fewer mills with larger capacities.
The company also is addressing health and safety concerns from increasing regulations like the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). All of Bühler’s pelleting equipment has stainless steel contact surfaces and is cleanable in place, limiting the interaction between the operator and the equipment, Lundt said.
Cleanliness also is key for sales of Global Industries’ steel Sentinel buildings, which are on display during IPPE. The buildings are designed mostly for tropical and sub-tropical areas because they are easy to keep clean and sterile, said Steve Frisbie, marketing director for Global.
“Growers are finding with these kinds of buildings, they can turn chickens over more quickly,” he said. “They tend to grow faster.”
Frisbie said business is strong in Asia and Europe, and the company is making some inroads in Africa and South America. MFS/York/Stormor, a division of Global, supplies hopper tanks and feed tanks for the global feed industry. So far, IPPE has been a good show for the company, he said.
“This is the show to be at,” Frisbie said. “We get people all over the world stopping by. We make a lot of contacts.”