Three companies will hold equal 33% stake in Brazilian joint venture.
Photo courtesy of Louis Dreyfus.
Photo courtesy of Louis Dreyfus.
Each of the companies will hold a 33% stake in the joint venture, which comprises the grain origination and port terminal businesses operated by the wholly owned subsidiaries Amaggi & LD Commodities S.A. and Amaggi & LDC Terminais Portuários S.A. in the Brazilian states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia (a region known as Matopiba).
“With this incorporation, the joint venture will be able to count on the experience of one of the world’s leading cooperatives, which will contribute to operations in one of the most promising grain producing regions in Brazil,” Louis Dreyfus said. “It will also strengthen the partnership in Tegram (Grains Terminal of Maranhão), a port that represents one of the main alternatives to the export routes of the country’s south and southeast regions.”
Zen-Noh Grain Brazil is the Brazilian subsidiary of Zen-Noh Grain Corp., which is the subsidiary of Japanese agricultural cooperative, Zen-Noh (National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations). The company exports about 13 million tonnes per year of grains, beans and their byproducts through its export elevator in the U.S. Gulf. Zen-Noh is one of the largest agricultural cooperative organizations in the world with its 993 member cooperatives, and is in charge of supplying agricultural inputs and marketing agricultural products with more than $50.5 billion of consolidated revenue.
Founded in 1977, Amaggi is present in all regions in Brazil, as well as in Argentina, China, the Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay and Switzerland. Currently, the company is active in logistics, energy, agricultural production, commodities and shipping, and directly employs more than 4,800 people.
Louis Dreyfus Co. is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods. The company leverages its global reach and extensive asset network to serve customers around the world. The company’s activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines, including oilseeds, grains, rice, freight, finance, coffee, cotton, sugar, juice, dairy, fertilizers and inputs and metals.