“The Canadian Grain Commission recognizes the impact mildew has on the bottom line for wheat producers,” said Jim Smolik, acting chief commissioner, Canadian Grain Commission. “This science-based change will put money directly back into the pockets of Canadian producers, while maintaining the quality of wheat classes.”
Mildew occurs in kernels that are affected by field fungi that develop under conditions of excessive moisture, according to the study. Samples containing kernels affected by mildew are graded according to the degree of soundness definition in the Official Grain Grading Guide. The study included assessment of falling number, wheat and flour protein, milling yield and water noodle dough color. Tests have shown that mildew primarily affects the appearance of wheat. The effect of mildew on semolina was found to be negligible.
The changes affect these classes: Canada Western Red Spring, Canada Western Hard White Spring, Canada Western Amber Durum, Canada Western Red Winter, Canada Western Soft White Spring, Canada Western Extra Strong, Canada Prairie Spring White, Canada Prairie Spring Red, and Canada Northern Hard Red.