“This expansion will allow for an additional 7.5 million bushels of spring wheat per year to be processed here in North Dakota into top quality flour sold across the country,” the North Dakota Industrial Commission said. “The G Mill will increase the North Dakota Mill’s total economic impact to the region by over $150 million per year.”
“The increasing demand from our current customers has driven the need for expanding our milling capacity,” said Vance Taylor, general manager of North Dakota Mill. “We will continue to leverage our consistent high quality, high level customer service and plant/transportation efficiency to drive growth.”
The North Dakota Mill & Elevator Association began operating in October 1922 as a value-added market for wheat produced in North Dakota. Approximately 80% of the mill’s flour and semolina is shipped on bulk rail cars and trucks, 20% of finished products are packaged in 5-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-pound bags for shipment via boxcars and trucks. Product also is packed in totes/super sacks for shipment. The mill also sells a line of bread machine and pancake mixes for the retail trade.
The mill also has an organic certification for processing organic wheat products.