Western Feedlots
Shareholders chose this course of action due to the current high risk/ low return environment.
HIGH RIVER, ALBERTA, CANADA — Western Feed Lots Ltd. said its shareholders decided to voluntarily wind down cattle ownership and cattle feed operations. The company will continue to feed and market the existing cattle and after they are marketed, Western will suspend feedlot operations.

Western said it will not be hiring employees, or purchasing feed grain of feeder cattle after that time.

The company also said in a statement that its shareholders chose this course of action due to the current high risk/ low return environment in cattle ownership, which is inconsistent with shareholder objectives. Western will continue farming operations for the foreseeable future.

Western Feedlots, founded in 1958, is an Alberta, Canada, owned company with three feedlots in Southern Alberta's cattle and barley region. The company is involved in cattle feeding, farming, grain trading, product research, software development and provides market options for producers of commodities, such as barley, straw, silage, and other feed and bedding materials.