WITTENBURG, GERMANY — The FlourWorld Museum is calling on the global milling community to help celebrate World Flour Day on March 20.
This year’s motto is, “Feeding the world starts with feeding your community. Let your actions speak!”
World Flour Day calls to attention the importance of flour and the responsibility of the milling industry. Around the world, companies in the milling and baking industries and their employees are invited to join in with donation and volunteer projects. Plans call for flour donations to food banks and charitable organizations, and volunteer support for local projects.
Volkmar Wywiol, founder of the FlourWorld Museum, stressed the im-portance of this event.
“World Flour Day stands for many things,” he said. “We celebrate the significance of flour and our appreciation to farmers and millers for this gift of nature. It is also a day of solidarity and support from the flour industry, giving hope and assisting social institutions with flour donations large and small.”
In addition to public action, the internal community is a focus.
“Our subsidiaries around the world are celebrating the day with joint events,” said Peter Steiner, global head of business unit MC Mühlenchemie. “Team projects, in which employees assist local social initiatives, are also planned. We bring people together and do something good for the community. These activities underline not just the importance of flour as a life-giving staple, but also the value of cooperation and community, within the milling industry and beyond.”
MC Mühlenchemie sponsors the FlourWorld Museum in Wittenburg. The museum plays a central role in the organization and execution of World Flour Day, and works to make the importance of flour and the work of the milling industry visible.
“Only with shared effort can we master the great challenges of our time, like feeding a growing world population,” Steine said of the vision behind the motto of World Flour Day 2025.
March 20 is the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and harvest season in the south — a day that symbolizes the cycle of growth and nutrition, making it perfect for World Flour Day. The Flour-World Museum houses the world’s largest collection of flour sacks and preserves the traditions of flour for the future.