ATLANTA, GEORGIA, US — A new feed program will be part of the American Feed Industry Association’s (AFIA) offerings during the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) set for Jan. 28-30, 2025, in Atlanta, Georgia, US. 

The session, “What’s Keeping the Feed Industry Up at Night?” will bring together industry experts to provide attendees with a better understanding of some of the current challenges to which manufacturers are adapting. 

The two-hour program will include speakers on highly pathogenic avian influenza and its recent presence in dairy cows, the ongoing battle against African swine fever and its implications in feed production and the challenge of bridging the nutrient gap when animal genetics outpace published requirements. 

The session will be 10 a.m. to noon on Jan. 29. Cost is $79 before Jan. 10 and $90 after. 

The IPPE will provide more than 80 hours of education programs, along with on-floor activities and networking opportunities for the animal food, meat and poultry and egg industries. Exhibit space exceeds 574,000 square feet and includes 1,190-plus exhibitors. 

Sponsored by the AFIA, North American Meat Institute and US Poultry & Egg Association, the IPPE trade show floor will showcase the latest solutions, technologies, research, processes, services and products that the global animal food and protein industries have to offer.

“We’re excited to showcase an extensive range of solutions that attract industry leaders from around the world,” said IPPE show management. “These innovators are dedicated to business development, implementing best practices and staying competitive in today’s fast-paced market.”

More information about IPPE and its related events is available at

Feed focus 

Along with the new workshop, several other feed-related programs are planned during IPPE, including AFIA’s Feed Education Program, the Feed Mill of the Future conference and an interactive question-and-answer session with the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

The Feed Education Program, from 8-10 a.m. on Jan. 29, will update participants on any recent changes from several federal agencies, including the Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. The program is free with trade show admission. 

Also on Jan. 29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., is the APHIS educational program in collaboration with the Pet Food Institute and North American Renderers Association. 

“This program promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for anyone who is importing into the United States, or preparing to export rendered products, animal-based feed or pet food,” said Mallory Gaines, director of market access and multilateral affairs at the AFIA. 

The one-day program will offer industry professionals insights into APHIS’s operations and provide direct networking opportunities with APHIS headquarters negotiators and field office staff.

Cost is $280 before Jan. 10 and $380 after. Members of AFIA, PFI and/or NARA should contact their association representatives to attend the program at the member rate. 

The “Feed Mill of the Future Conference: How innovation and sustainability will shape the feed industry of tomorrow” is from 8 a.m. to noon on Jan. 28. It will bring together feed industry exports to examine emerging feed industry trends and new technologies that will impact how animal feed is manufactured in the years ahead. 

Cost is $95 before Jan. 10 and $125 after. 

Pet food conference 

More than 450 attendess will gather for the Pet Food Conference on Jan. 28. It is designed for pet food and pet treat manufacturers and those supporting the industry, such as ingredient manufacturers and equipment suppliers. Highlights from the agenda include a discussion of current marketing trends in pet food, and the use of brewed proteins in pet food. Lara Moody, executive director of the Institute for Feed Education and Research, will provide the latest data on US pet food consumption. More information is available by visiting