BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA — Louis Dreyfus Co. has partnered with various agricultural value chain stakeholders to launch a collaborative regenerative agriculture program in Argentina. LDC said the program’s goal is to reduce carbon emissions, conserve natural ecosystems and resources, and boost climate resilience in agricultural communities. The program is expected to cover 205,000 hectares and involve 400 farmers in Argentina by 2030, LDC said.

“To address the increasingly urgent need for agricultural systems to adapt to climate-related challenges affecting soils, yields and consequently profitability, LDC has a strategic role to play, due to its proximity to farmers, in driving the adoption of practices that can help produce agricultural goods more sustainably,” said Juan José Blanchard, global chief operating officer and head of Latin America at LDC. “Guided by our purpose to create fair and sustainable value for the benefit of current and future generations, we are proud to launch this program in Argentina alongside partners who share our vision to shape a more sustainable future of food and agriculture by engaging with and supporting Argentine farmers on the transition to regenerative practices.”

LDC will serve as program lead, and as such will be responsible for coordinating program design, enrollment of agricultural producers, signing specific purchase agreements and offering risk-share mechanisms. The company also will be responsible for reporting results of the program.

Other partners in the program include The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Peterson, Syngenta, Banco Galicia and Nestle Argentina.

TNC is an international NGO dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity and the environment. Its role will be to provide technical support for the design and implementation of the program, LDC said.

“LDC’s regenerative agriculture program is a key opportunity for TNC to bring its vast experience to bear in support of sustainable agriculture that meets global food demand,” said Andrés Sylvestre Begnis, leader of TNC’s zero conversion strategy for commodities in the Gran Chaco region. “As part of our global collaboration announced earlier this year, we look forward to supporting LDC on this journey in Argentina, designing comprehensive, science-based strategies with a focus on caring for nature.”

Peterson is a consultancy that specializes in sustainability projects across agricultural chains. LDC said Peterson will play a central role in the design of the program and in supporting producers. Specifically, its assistance will focus on the selection of regenerative agricultural practices suitable for each field, and on establishing baselines and monitoring and evaluating improvements in environmental impacts.

Syngenta will help bring together producers to exchange knowledge, LDC said, while Nestle Argentina will help drive demand for the products generated by the program.

Banco Galicia will serve as the program’s financial partner, offering producers preferential financing options on a case-by-case basis, for the necessary investments to adopt recommended regenerative agricultural practices.