CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA — Canadian Pacific (CP) set a new grain transportation record by moving 30.62 million tonnes of grain and grain products in the 2020–21 crop production year.

The total surpassed last year’s record of 29.52 million tonnes by 1.10 million tonnes, or 3.7%. This is the fourth consecutive year that CP has broken its annual movement record. Including grain moved in containers, CP moved a total of 31.21 million tonnes, up 3.4% from last crop year.

“CP’s team of exceptional railroaders, dedicated to providing our customers with service excellence, and the strong execution by our customers and terminal operators, has enabled the supply chain to move more grain than ever before,” said Joan Hardy, vice president of sales and marketing, grain and fertilizers for CP. “The challenge created by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 17 months has underpinned the value of strong communication and supply chain collaboration. Despite a sharp reduction in demand this spring, CP and our customers have again broken our movement record, and we celebrate that achievement across the supply chain.”

CP currently serves 25 elevators qualified to load 8,500-foot HEP trains, 13 of which became qualified during the 2020–21 crop year. By the end of 2021, more than 40% of the CP-served unit train loaders will be 8,500-foot HEP qualified.