Buenos Aires, Argentina — Dry weather in Western Argentina is expected to decrease the country’s winter wheat planting, Reuters reported citing local climate experts.
Despite the dry weather prediction, winter wheat planting is still anticipated to reach a record total of 6.7 million hectares in the 2020-21 season. More than 71% of Argentina’s wheat has been planted so far for the season, Reuters said.
German Heinzenknecht, a meteorologist at the Applied Climatology Consultancy, told Reuters, dry July weather is forecast for the Cordoba province and western part of Santa Fe province.
“It's a difficult way to start the season, and spring rains in September are too far away to help,” he said. “Wheat is going to suffer a lot in these regions.”
Unlike the western region of Argentina, the country’s Southern region is experiencing good weather and soil conditions, Heinzenknecht told Reuters.