KIEV, UKRAINE — The EBRD is providing a $100 million financing facility to Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) to facilitate the company’s regional expansion in Bulgaria, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine.
The expansion will provide access to LDC’s supply chains to many regional small and medium-sized grain and cotton farmers. As part of their cooperation with LDC, small farms also will receive training on modern agronomic practices in order to improve the quality of their produce. The program will support cross-border trade flows and the expansion of the agricultural commodities market.
The investment also will foster the adoption by LDC of an enhanced climate corporate governance approach in line with the guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which support voluntary disclosure to stakeholders of climate-related financial risk. This will include the development of new tools for climate-related risk management and climate scenario stress testing of grain harvests in Ukraine and cotton harvests in Turkey.