WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. — CropLife America honored Chandle Goule, chief executive officer of the National Association of Wheat Growers, with the Jay J. Vroom Agriculture Ambassador Award. The award honors a member or an allied organization to CLA who has made a major contribution to public education about pesticides and their contribution to a safe, affordable and sustainable food supply.
“It is a true honor to be presented with an award named after my longtime friend and ally of wheat Jay Vroom,” Goule said. “I really appreciate being nominated for the award and to CropLife for bringing awareness to the importance of educating the public on such complicated issues as pesticides.”
CropLife America (CLA) is a national trade association that represents the manufacturers, formulators and distributors of pesticides. CLA’s member companies produce, sell and distribute crop protection and biotechnology products used by farmers, ranchers and landowners.
“Between social media and the ease at which information can be spread today, the wheat industry’s biggest hurdle is those who fearmonger and spread fabrications around how farmers use pesticides on their crops,” Goule said. “I will continue to work to ensure that NAWG remains a leader in educating congressional staff, the public, and its allies on how crop protectants are vital to ensure safe and affordable food supply.”