Carlos Campabadal, feed manufacturing and grain quality curriculum manager at the IGP Institute, explains to participants the equipment in the O.H. Kruse Feed Technology Center.
Photo courtesy of IGP.
Photo courtesy of IGP.
The course hosted 25 participants from eight different countries including Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru.
“The IGP Institute has been conducting RAPCO courses since 2011; however, this is the first time that we offered one on swine nutrition,” said Carlos Campabadal, IGP Institute feed manufacturing and quality management curriculum manager. “It was a great success as the participants were pleased with the quality of lecture and tours.”
The course focused on many topics including U.S. feed and grain production, U.S. soybean sustainability, dietary fat and pork, quality protein and amino acids concepts in swine feeding, vitamin and mineral requirements for swine; feed additives and antibiotic replacements in swine diets; practical nutrition and management of the developing gilt, gestating sow and lactating sow; the effects of feed processing on monogastric nutrition; care and management of newborn pig, weanling pigs and finishing pigs, feed mill security; ingredient quality and the importance of a quality control program; feed safety and swine nutrition; factors affecting feed efficiency in swine; nutrition by immunity; and nutritional differences of soybean meal from different countries.
Participants left to right Maria Andre, Santisteban Alvarado, and Ana Lucia Suarez Osorio further examine the pigs at the Kansas State Swine Unit.
As a land grant university Kansas State conducts a lot of research every year. This information helps keep the professors up to date on the newest information.
“The information they give us is very important for our countries because countries the government and the universities do not have the resources to conduct this kind of research,” said Vanessa Basurco, nutritionist at San Fernando.
Campabadal added, “At KSU we have one of the top research groups on swine nutrition and their involvement was key for the success of this course.”