Grain transportation
MOSCOW, RUSSIA – The internationalBlack Sea Grain and Oilseeds 2018-19conference will be hosted at the Azimut Moscow Olympic hotel, on Sept. 6 by the Russian Grain Union and Institute for Agricultural Market Studies. 

During the conference, Dan Basse, president of AgResource, will present a report on the grain industry. The conference topics will include: legislative support and state regulation of the Russian grain market, new trends on the world grain and oilseed markets, crop size and quality evaluation in three FSU Black Sea countries, the sowing campaign of winter crops and others.

Attendees will include representatives of the Russian government, representatives of biggest domestic agroholdings, domestic and multinational traders, millers and feed millers, oilseed crushers, export terminal managers, banks, and domestic policy makers. It is expected that 250-300 Russian and foreign guests will take part in the conference.  

For more information about the conference, clickhere